I finally have time today to actually start setting up this webpage, and I must say, it's both difficult and easy.
Difficult because I'm a noob. Like, huh, doesn't the domain name come with setting up the webpage? Will it appear as heyanju.com.wix.domain or something like that? Yea, I'm only IT savvy in the sense that I can use basic programs like Word and play the occasional game online. Anything more, like photoshop or figuring out webpage stuff, is like speaking a foreign language. Don't ask me about pythons or java. The only thing I know is the name, and that they mean something totally different from serpents or an island in Indonesia.
Easy because, hey, I could find www.heyanju.com online once I published it.
Go ahead and laugh.
I probably won't be blogging frequently, because I have a full-time job on top of this full-time hobby of writing. But every now and then, I think it's fun to share where I'm at in the writing journey, and maybe share a bit more about the world of the novel (especially pronunciations). I've had friends who totally butchered Ruan Yi's name, and the way they say Zhao Wen sounds nothing at all like what it's supposed to sound like. Which is fine. I love that awkward pause whenever people have to announce my name at ceremonies and eagerly look forward to hearing how it would be transformed.
Except that I would take the thought of developing audiobooks with a whole dollop of salt.
So, here's to beginnings!
*clink of glasses*